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Refurbishing and Upgrading X-Ray Facilities
If your X-Ray NDT/NDE facility has old or obsolete equipment it can be very costly to keep these systems operational and in some cases, your facility may be operating at far lower efficiency than modern systems. Before looking at replacing your complete facility, it is worth considering the part or complete overhaul of your existing chambers – keeping the existing costly lead chamber and simply upgrading the internal inspection hardware.
Refurbishing and Upgrading X-Ray Facilities
Metrix NDT can advise you on :
- Upgrading or replacing x-ray generators with modern, efficient and supported systems
- Upgrading detectors to the latest digital detectors and imaging processing equipment
- Refurbishing or upgrading existing mechanical handling systems and x-ray systems
- Replacing obsolete computing facilities with modern integrated software
- Upgrading to CT capability
System upgrades are generally far more cost effective than new builds, so if your X-Ray NDT facility is in need of repair, or you simply need to get more out of your existing facilities please contact us first to see if an upgrade can offer you a better option and reduce your long term cost of ownership.