Home >> X-ray Systems >> MetLine

The MetLine system comprises a suitable x-ray generator, and appropriate set of x-ray detectors and control software, all housed in radiologically safe shielding, with a conveyor and control and imaging unit.
The MetLine system can be scaled and configured to the customer’s particular requirements using our modular MetCam x-ray system technology together with our MetVIEW software to provide the imaging data needed for the application.
Whether you are a manufacturer, OEM, machine builder or systems integrator, MetLine can help you gain the benefits of high-performance x-ray inspection facilities quickly and simply and reduce time to market.
- Customised solutions
- Wide range of industrial x-ray inspection applications
- NDT and R&D applications
- Integrated x-ray imaging package for production line integration
- Turnkey stand alone option
If you simply require an x-ray system without housing and conveyor see our MetCam x-ray imaging system.